The last few weeks haven't been entirely unproductive though, as the good people at Fuse have, quite foolishly, put three of my gig reviews in their latest issue. Have a look at page eleven here or if you're in Sheffield pick up a copy around uni. The Soft Pack review was, probably with good reason, quite heavily edited, but click here if you want to read about the Jungle Book and possibly pilled up owners of leather jackets.

Whilst you're over at the Forge website, check out Off The Beaten Track which should return to the virtual airwaves this Thursday at 9.30pm and is then available to listen again for a week.
Finally, a plug for a new podcast co-hosted by my old friend Callum. It's called If There Is Hell Below and features an eclectic mix of 60s garage and psychedelic rock together with some (excellent) contemporary selections.
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